The Earth will bring forth its Praise

In the Psalms many of David's songs began in distress and concluded in victory. He journeyed from where he was to the throne, to the temple.

Israel sang his psalms as they journey from their homeland every year to the temple where they brought sacrific and were released from their sins for one more year. There is a progression in the psalms.

The following devotions are from Betty Slade's poetry books, "Within the Veil" and the second volumn "In His Presence".

A Pilgrim

Just a pilgrim passing through
The bounds of mere man
The rules of mere doctrine
Time given to mere earth.

This pilgrim has travelled
through time and space
to the heavenly city of faith.
The reality of life with God.

Operating ouside of time
As we submit to His purpose and plan
He passes talent
and strength
To do exceedingly abundant of what
He asks or thinks,
according to the power
that works in tis mere pilgrim.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Choice Words

You have been made in God's image,
Either to curse or bless your Maker.

You will eat the fruit of your lips --
Choice words will come back to you
if you hold others same review.

Pray before speaking
and you will find
few words you need repeat.
It's Satan's way to bring defeat
to a life that wears the Christian name.
They will surely see Jesus as the same.

Don't do that to your very best Friend--
He died to set you free.

Free to speak words of condemnaiton --
you no longer walk in that way.

The Journey~~~~ Walk the Talk

Out of the same mouth proceeds blessing and cursing, these things ought not to be. When we use our words to bring doubt or accusation, we are cursing our maker. He has given us a choice to bless Him or curse Him, and we do it by our mouths.

Oh Fickled mouth, do you know what you are saying? You are revealing the heart of the bride.

Bride of Jesus

Bride of Jesus

Jesus came to take His bride,
adorned for her wedding day,
pure in heart,
faithful to her groom.
Many called, plenty of room. But few responding
to his love.
Poor ones, rich ones, and hearty too,
this One from above is
God's plan
for you.

Sorry heart, you will one day say, "only if
I knew, I could now stand before the King,
exalted in His glory, to rule in His deity."
Mere flesh, with fading beautywould not
receive His love,
sent on the wings of the snow white dove.
Sorry heart, surrender today.
Live in Heaven's abudance, rather than
earth's poverty.

How can I say it differently, so your
heart will,receive the real meaning of life?
Only the Holy Spirit can make you ready
to reach up to God's plan.

Know your heart!
Lift up your hands!
My Savior!
Your Savior!

The Journey~~~ Walk the Talk!

How foolish we are to refuse the love of God when we are fading beauty and mere flesh who will one day die. His Love has offered us eternal  life, a quality and quantity of Life forever. We are asked to come to Him as His bride, pure in heart, and faithful to her groom.

Oh Fickle heart!

Harmony of Faith

Harmony of Faith

God is faithful - this I know.
I like the quietness in my soul.
I like His gentle arms around me, and His
whisper that He loves me.

Today is a new day.
Walk in His stay.
He will keep you close, if you will let Him
have the reins.

You have much to learn, but listen closely and
it will be done, a perfect harmony
between Jesus and you.

Put a watch over your mouth.
your heart wants to speak
words that are not meant
to please your God Who is Holy.
He wants you to be His mirror
for the world to see,
reflection of the perfect image
of Jesus, your King.
Think twice before you repeat words
that do not show others
you have been with Jesus
and He is your very best friend.

He has kept Himself pure for you.
He wants you, His bride, pure for Him.
He is your Bridegroom and Friend
just waiting.

to call His bride home,
Don't disappoint Him with scarlet sins, when
He has already died to cover them,
Think twice before you speak! 

The Journey~~~~Walk the Talk!

Have you notice how creation lives in harmony with each other? Interestingly enough, the higher intellectual beings have a hard time being in harmony with each other or with God or with creation. So the Lord uses the simple things to teach us.

The Waters reflect the sky, the ducks know where and when to fly, the clouds bring the rains, they all work together for harmony.

Then throw in Man.

Harmony of spilt blood upon the cross has brought reconcilliation to God and Man, and it tore down the middle wall between man and man.