The Earth will bring forth its Praise

In the Psalms many of David's songs began in distress and concluded in victory. He journeyed from where he was to the throne, to the temple.

Israel sang his psalms as they journey from their homeland every year to the temple where they brought sacrific and were released from their sins for one more year. There is a progression in the psalms.

The following devotions are from Betty Slade's poetry books, "Within the Veil" and the second volumn "In His Presence".

A Pilgrim

Just a pilgrim passing through
The bounds of mere man
The rules of mere doctrine
Time given to mere earth.

This pilgrim has travelled
through time and space
to the heavenly city of faith.
The reality of life with God.

Operating ouside of time
As we submit to His purpose and plan
He passes talent
and strength
To do exceedingly abundant of what
He asks or thinks,
according to the power
that works in tis mere pilgrim.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Choice Words

You have been made in God's image,
Either to curse or bless your Maker.

You will eat the fruit of your lips --
Choice words will come back to you
if you hold others same review.

Pray before speaking
and you will find
few words you need repeat.
It's Satan's way to bring defeat
to a life that wears the Christian name.
They will surely see Jesus as the same.

Don't do that to your very best Friend--
He died to set you free.

Free to speak words of condemnaiton --
you no longer walk in that way.

The Journey~~~~ Walk the Talk

Out of the same mouth proceeds blessing and cursing, these things ought not to be. When we use our words to bring doubt or accusation, we are cursing our maker. He has given us a choice to bless Him or curse Him, and we do it by our mouths.

Oh Fickled mouth, do you know what you are saying? You are revealing the heart of the bride.

Bride of Jesus

Bride of Jesus

Jesus came to take His bride,
adorned for her wedding day,
pure in heart,
faithful to her groom.
Many called, plenty of room. But few responding
to his love.
Poor ones, rich ones, and hearty too,
this One from above is
God's plan
for you.

Sorry heart, you will one day say, "only if
I knew, I could now stand before the King,
exalted in His glory, to rule in His deity."
Mere flesh, with fading beautywould not
receive His love,
sent on the wings of the snow white dove.
Sorry heart, surrender today.
Live in Heaven's abudance, rather than
earth's poverty.

How can I say it differently, so your
heart will,receive the real meaning of life?
Only the Holy Spirit can make you ready
to reach up to God's plan.

Know your heart!
Lift up your hands!
My Savior!
Your Savior!

The Journey~~~ Walk the Talk!

How foolish we are to refuse the love of God when we are fading beauty and mere flesh who will one day die. His Love has offered us eternal  life, a quality and quantity of Life forever. We are asked to come to Him as His bride, pure in heart, and faithful to her groom.

Oh Fickle heart!

Harmony of Faith

Harmony of Faith

God is faithful - this I know.
I like the quietness in my soul.
I like His gentle arms around me, and His
whisper that He loves me.

Today is a new day.
Walk in His stay.
He will keep you close, if you will let Him
have the reins.

You have much to learn, but listen closely and
it will be done, a perfect harmony
between Jesus and you.

Put a watch over your mouth.
your heart wants to speak
words that are not meant
to please your God Who is Holy.
He wants you to be His mirror
for the world to see,
reflection of the perfect image
of Jesus, your King.
Think twice before you repeat words
that do not show others
you have been with Jesus
and He is your very best friend.

He has kept Himself pure for you.
He wants you, His bride, pure for Him.
He is your Bridegroom and Friend
just waiting.

to call His bride home,
Don't disappoint Him with scarlet sins, when
He has already died to cover them,
Think twice before you speak! 

The Journey~~~~Walk the Talk!

Have you notice how creation lives in harmony with each other? Interestingly enough, the higher intellectual beings have a hard time being in harmony with each other or with God or with creation. So the Lord uses the simple things to teach us.

The Waters reflect the sky, the ducks know where and when to fly, the clouds bring the rains, they all work together for harmony.

Then throw in Man.

Harmony of spilt blood upon the cross has brought reconcilliation to God and Man, and it tore down the middle wall between man and man.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Slacking the Soul

Slacking the Soul

Slacking the soul, cleansing within,
Washed with the blood of
Which takes away my sin.

Others will not let me forget
Life, lived in regret.
Who rules? God or man?
God says, you have been forgiven
By My touch from Heaven.

Look not again for man"s approval.
Man, too, stands before Almighty God.
Man cannot judge you within.
No ma n knows what passes between
God and you.

I know God's Son was sent to
cledanse my life, purified for eternity.
The day I acknowledge this truth,
The day I started living life to its fullest.

Keep your eyes on the groom, you have
been selected as His bride,
How can man your sin chide?

You have been made clean,
God is our Hope.

The Journey~~~~~ Walk the Talk!

We look at the past with regret and wonder if we will ever forget. God says, don't. My blood is enough. Trust the power in my blood shedd on the Cross. It is Heaven's blood which was poured out on earthly men, to bring peace in themselves and between them and God.

He says He will give us peace that passes all understanding and will guard our hearts. We must continue to praise His name, the promise is it.

Seed of Promise

Seed of Promise

What a miraculous plan,
To bring salvation to man!

Thousands of years God
To regain fallen lives.

Satan tried time and again to destroy
The Seed of promise.
In God's love, the Seed was preserved
until the perfect moment, and Satan
thought he had won.
The Seed of Promise hung on earth's rugged tree
Satan gloated to think "I win!"

What a miraculous plan,
To bring salvation to man!

Jesus died,
Satan lost,
The plan finished,
Satan defeated.

In infinite knowledge, God is working
His plan.
Your every breath, your every step,
your very life a part of God's
infinite grace.

If you would that your life have some influence on earth,
Let Heaven come down and
crown you, vessel of clay, and let God
weave into you the excellence of His plan.

What a miraculous plan,
To bring Salvation to  man!

Th Journey~~~Walk the Talk!

What a miraculous plan! Do we realize God is working His plan on our behalf. Everything He does, He is bringing heaven into our hearts. Salvation is no more than God bringing commune and fellowship to us.

Jesus, savior, is the link between us. Hanging the Seed of promise on the tree, might have looked like it was all over, it was just beginning, LIFE for man, all part of God miraculous plan.


Life Unspoken

Be patient my little heart, who yearns to
tell of God's grace and His perfect will.

As I seek Him , day by day, my thoughts and wants I
gently lay.

My life will not go unspoken.

The Journey~~~Walk the Talk! Even in the quietness of the forest, life is happening. "Let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. Do we believe that? While we wait by faith. we are not aware that we are changing from glory to glory. So many times we think we've got to do some thing, but it is in the waiting that does it for us. Of course, waiting for the sake of waiting won't do it, it is waiting for God to do what He says He is going to do. Then our faith increases when we see His salvation, His answer and His deliverance.


Waiting for the early and later rains


Wait for the Lord to return,
Wait for the early and later rains.

We wait,
enduring, sometimes expectant,
sometimes bewildered,
asking "Why? What do I need to do?"

The "Waiting" most time is more edifying
than the promises.
teaches us God's love.
His care,
His heart.

We pass the colors of the rainbow
seeking the pot of gold.
As we rush through life searching
for that pot of gold, we miss
the beauty of life,
the beauty of knowing
the God of the universe,
the God of our hearts,

We run
looking for our ministry!
We want to be effective,
not realizing the effectiveness is in the
Waiting. the way God wants,
waiting for His will to be known,
dying to ourselves.

Let us stand still and see the Salvation of God!

The Journey~~~~Walking the Talk!  We do not realize all of creation is waiting for the sons of God to be revealed. Creation cries for God's revelation in us. We just want to hurry up our present condition. But all the waiting is designed to learn about God, see the faithfulness of God, revealed Himself in us and also that we learn patience so that we lack nothing. The more of Jesus in us, the less we lack.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

So Little of Jesus

In the Dark 16 X20 Watercolor

In the Light 16X20 - Watercolor

So Little of Jesus
So little of Jesus my heart cries, so little
of life's best myself denied.
How can I receive all that is for me?

Look to Jesus, and let go of all the rest.
If I let go, I'll have nothing.

Jesus is your reason.
Jesus is your purpose.

My mind rejects this thought.
I look out there and see what the world has to give.

The world has nothing to give except it has already been given to me.

If I let go, will I have nothing?

Oh, why do I lose sight of the origin of life so easily?
The world shouts and screams, loud and brash.
I move toward the noise.
Curious to see, maybe there's something for me.

"Me" is important.
I talk about myself
I am so interested
That's why I lose sight of the origin of life so easily.
I am wrapped up in "Me."
Can I let go of myself?

Yes! Let go and let God take hold,
His hands are much more sue, after all He made me.
Would He drop me without care?
No! I am original, none like me.

When I let go, I'll have everything,
Jesus, Savior, Lord, King!

The Journey~~~~~Walk the Talk! This poetry is an argrument between my flesh and spirit. My spirit is telling me to let go of Me. My flesh is sounding back, "If I let go, I'll have nothing.

All the time the Spirit of the living God has ME in his mind and all that He has done for me. I must let go of Me, in order to gain ME! "You must lose your life in order to gain it." Jesus says

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Treasure Within

The Treasure Within (11X14 Watercolor)

The Treasure Within
Heavenly language comes in many forms,
a smile, a rainbow, an untaught fisherman.
Excellence in a clay vessel,
The treasure within,

Sing Heaven's hymn,
Jesus written in your heart
Look to the One
Why made you,
He created you for this song,
His Plan!

The Journey~~~~Walk the Talk! He has created each of us for this song, His Plan. Do I see His Song as  His plan for me?  I should. Everything in heaven is in harmony, in rhythm, never in discourse. We pray that His will in heaven be His will in this earth. We are asking for harmony, love, wisdom, all that God is to be brought to earth. All of who God is has been placed in our bosom, to witness who He is.

Some times i look at empty pots, especially as an artist. When I finally see, all the time, He was working His plan, His Spirit, in and through me, in all that I create as it comes through my hands and heart.

The Promise of My Father

The Promise of My Father

The Promise of my Father

Tarry in Jerusalem until you are endued
with power from on high.

The Holy Spirit has empowered us to  live life anew.




We hold the Godhead within.

God says,
Trust Me to see that it is true.
I have made you meek to inherit this
might Spirit.
Submit yourself to the knowledge that
Great miracles are within your realm.

Jesus gave this power to you through His sacrificial death
Reach out for Jesus, and receive everlasting strength.

The Journey~~~~ Walk the Talk! I am wondering today, how many people still believe they have to be at church or the upper room, or in their praying chair in  order to understand the presence of the Spirit around them and through them?  It took a long time to understand how the spirit teaches us, comfort us and is loyal to us. I was looking for bells and whistles, but today I have that knowing, He is there. The Promise of the Father is here. Praise Him.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Snow in the Branches

Snow in the Branches (Mixed media 16X20)

In His Hand

For you, I have plans.
No one will ever take you from My hands.
I've gently molded you in a certain way,
to give you a direction that your life
will stay unmovable.
Steadfastly stand. Your inheritance in your promised land.

Today surrender to My plan, you can trust
the working of My hand.
No questions of when or where,
You'll be satisfied, promise I can, trust Me nowl,
as I gently hold you in my hand.

The Journey~~~~Walk the Talk My promised land contained snow, lots of snow, four feet of snow every winter. At first, I hated the snow, but I knew the Lord had planted in at the foot of the Rocky Mountains, near Wolf Creek Pass which boast of having 200 feet in a season.

I had to make peace with the snow. It was not going away soon, in fact it lingered until April every year. 

To be in the Lord's hands was to trust Him for His plan. I did and today, I wouldn't live anywhere else. In the valley of trouble is now my vineyard. It is exactly the place I need to be and where I am most fulfilled.

"In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind." Job 12:10

Perfect Design

Perfect Design (Watercolor 16X20)

Perfect Design

I am a perfect design, made b y the
Master's hands.

In his all-knowing love, He has
already designed the backdrop of life, making mine a life to lend
to the audience.

Hungry hearts looking, needing,
receiving laughter, tears and
the real meaning
of God's performance.

"I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made." Psalm 139:14

The Journey~~~~Walk the Talk!  Do we believe we are God's perfect design? Are we witnessing the works of His hands by trusting Him? When we get over us is when we can be a blessing to others. it takes a long journey to finally come to the end of ourselves. He knows how long it takes, He made us.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Hope Within You

Hope Within You

 When I see my God, face to face.
How I yearn to stand in His grace  -
thou faithful servant,
my heart yearsn to hear,
Nothing else my heart can bear.

Oh, how I want to please my Savior and God
who holds the key To a world crying for answers.
Oh, God that my life will hold the secret
of Your great love, sent from Heaven's
portal, in your Son from above.

How I want my life to have some geat
effect, not knowing what I ask.
Dying to self so others' needs can be met.

Keeping my eyes on Jesus - not the responses of others
Their actions are not always what they seem to be.
Keep my eyes on Jesus - He will handle the
consequence, and bring men to be free.

Always be prepared to give...the reason for the hope that is in you
1 Peter 3:15

The Journey ~~~~Walk the Talk!

This hope that runs through our mortal bodies is like water running between the banks. It comes from the source, the fountain of Life, and meets in the valley. In those low places, God says He is the Almighty on high and dwells in high places with those of contrite spirit and a broken heart. When we are broken, humbled, there is when we surrender to the Life from above and allow that Life to flow through us. In that condition we meet Him in high places. Isaiah 5718

It takes a life time journey to understand it. He says, "Blessed are the poor of spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 53

I wrote this poem in 1992 when I had high ideals about the Christian walk. We were taught to have some great effect,  and meet the needs of others. Today, my only prayer is, "Lord, cause me to stay humble so that I can meet you and fellowship with you, then that Life that comes from Heaven's portal in your Son will flow to others. There is nothing in me that has any great effect, if it does not come from above, we are all  indeed most needy and without hope."

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Life Within

Life Within (mixed media 16 X20
Life Within

If we are faithful to be what God has intended
us to be, alive to God, surrendered to Him,
dead to ourselves, He will bring to pass acts
impregnated by the Holy Spirit, to bring
life to a dying world.

These words are for Him, with the prayer that
He will deem them pure enough
to speak truth through me for whomever
is seeking truth.

I praise God for His marvelous workings
in my life. I could have come and gone
with no sense of why I went through
the motions of living.
He answered my why's, through simplistic
knowledge of Jesus.
every image painted,
every word spoken,
every prase written,
will have one thought, one name, JESUS

Truly, I desire fruit from my yielded soul,
light that will show the way to a world
full of darkness.  I surrender to you,
oh God, as you, on the cross, surrendered
yourself for me.

The Journey ~~~~Walk the Talk!  Have you ever thought how noise a forest is? I have and as I have sit quietly I have even heard branches groan and leaves fall. As the Holy Spirit moves through the trees, He moves through us.  It takes time to realize  there is life in us and all about us. He moves through us as we journey through the whys and the notions of living.

One day, we will understand He was there all along. He kept us from destroying ourselves and others, He continues to establish our path and put our feet on it. We are not that smart to figure it out.  I just know I have ended up in a great place in this journey. No credit to myself. He was with me. Jesus says, "Where I am there you will be." Apparently He is there before I got  there. 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Mystery Unveiled

Mystery Unveiled (16X20 Mixed Media)
I hold a mystery deep within my soul ready     
    to be unveiled,
A story that must be told.

Words written by a surrendered heart, sharing
    outwardly what God has wrought, full
    potential seen only in part,
Shared with the hope of unlocking another's heart.
A small piece of puzzle in my hand,
Thoughts penned by my ready heart, helps
    me know who He is, and who I am.

One quiet word, fitly spoken,
World's treasure held for a moment,
An answer to a hurting world.
My part - a small token.
Writing thoughts, sharing feelings from
    deep within my soul
Thankful to be set free, His story given to
    another in need.

The Journey~~~~~ Walk the Talk! It is a mystery indeed! How God has come to dwell in this frail  body. As we begin this journey, we learn how undone we are and how much we need to change. It is a work of the Holy Spirit, we can not change ourselves. We each hold a piece of the puzzle in our hand. We each witness Jesus in our way, and all together we show the full revelation of the One we loive.