The Earth will bring forth its Praise

In the Psalms many of David's songs began in distress and concluded in victory. He journeyed from where he was to the throne, to the temple.

Israel sang his psalms as they journey from their homeland every year to the temple where they brought sacrific and were released from their sins for one more year. There is a progression in the psalms.

The following devotions are from Betty Slade's poetry books, "Within the Veil" and the second volumn "In His Presence".

A Pilgrim

Just a pilgrim passing through
The bounds of mere man
The rules of mere doctrine
Time given to mere earth.

This pilgrim has travelled
through time and space
to the heavenly city of faith.
The reality of life with God.

Operating ouside of time
As we submit to His purpose and plan
He passes talent
and strength
To do exceedingly abundant of what
He asks or thinks,
according to the power
that works in tis mere pilgrim.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Snow in the Branches

Snow in the Branches (Mixed media 16X20)

In His Hand

For you, I have plans.
No one will ever take you from My hands.
I've gently molded you in a certain way,
to give you a direction that your life
will stay unmovable.
Steadfastly stand. Your inheritance in your promised land.

Today surrender to My plan, you can trust
the working of My hand.
No questions of when or where,
You'll be satisfied, promise I can, trust Me nowl,
as I gently hold you in my hand.

The Journey~~~~Walk the Talk My promised land contained snow, lots of snow, four feet of snow every winter. At first, I hated the snow, but I knew the Lord had planted in at the foot of the Rocky Mountains, near Wolf Creek Pass which boast of having 200 feet in a season.

I had to make peace with the snow. It was not going away soon, in fact it lingered until April every year. 

To be in the Lord's hands was to trust Him for His plan. I did and today, I wouldn't live anywhere else. In the valley of trouble is now my vineyard. It is exactly the place I need to be and where I am most fulfilled.

"In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind." Job 12:10

Perfect Design

Perfect Design (Watercolor 16X20)

Perfect Design

I am a perfect design, made b y the
Master's hands.

In his all-knowing love, He has
already designed the backdrop of life, making mine a life to lend
to the audience.

Hungry hearts looking, needing,
receiving laughter, tears and
the real meaning
of God's performance.

"I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made." Psalm 139:14

The Journey~~~~Walk the Talk!  Do we believe we are God's perfect design? Are we witnessing the works of His hands by trusting Him? When we get over us is when we can be a blessing to others. it takes a long journey to finally come to the end of ourselves. He knows how long it takes, He made us.